Cupid's Pulse Article: Date Idea: Thanksgiving for TwoCupid's Pulse Article: Date Idea: Thanksgiving for Two

Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate with family, watch football and indulge in turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie. As fun as the day may be, it can cause strain on your personal relationship if things aren’t planned out properly. The day will be extra special if you set aside time to work together as a team.

For example, if you’re preparing to host Thanksgiving with your partner, begin the process by sharing responsibilities and scheduling time together in advance. Pick a day where you will choose the turkey and get all of the accompaniments together.  This will make things much easier and it will show your partner how committed you are to having a nice experience with them.

As for decorations, unleash your inner child and make them yourself. After all, who didn’t enjoy creating outlined hand-print turkeys from construction paper as a child?

An early start and an organized plan are essential for Thanksgiving Day success. For the romantics at heart, leave time for a break with your sweetheart in between all the preparing. Or, spend a few moments making a list of all the reasons you’re thankful for each other and then read it aloud. This will also remind you why your relationship is so special and once family and friends arrive, you’ll be ready to serve up the meal and mingle.

For those looking to spend some time alone, one idea is to cook and eat dinner together and join your families for dessert. Just don’t forget to clean up as a couple — it’ll go twice as fast and will end the holiday on a positive note.

No matter what you decide to do together this holiday, remember to give thanks to your partner and tell them how much you appreciate them.

On Thanksgiving, what are some activities you and your honey work on together? Let us know in a comment below.