Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Interview: Hair Stylist Raphael Reboh Says Jennifer Lopez Has the Best Hair in HollywoodCupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Interview: Hair Stylist Raphael Reboh Says Jennifer Lopez Has the Best Hair in Hollywood

By Brittany Stubbs

We all want to look our best, and that begins with managing our hair. With clients including Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston, Chrissy Tiegan, and Jennifer Lopez, Raphael Reboh definitely knows what he’s doing when it comes to achieving glossy locks. Whether it’s a celebrity in his chair or not, the stylist finds himself always stressing the same advice: Take care of your hair!

“Women often don’t take care of their hair as much as their skin, but they should,” he explains in our celebrity interview. “I find it weird that women will run out and buy hundreds of dollars worth of face cream that may not even work, but they won’t spend the same amount of money and energy on their hair. Hair is connected to the scalp, so it’s just as important.”

Celebrity Interview with Hair Stylist to the Stars

Reboh explains that part of having healthy hair is knowing what’s in the products you’re using. He recommends speaking with a hair stylist who really knows your hair type to help guide you to the products and ingredients that will help you specifically — because, like a fingerprint, everyone’s hair is unique.

Related Link: Top 4 Hot Hair Tips You Should Be Taking from Celebrities

Although the Brazilian Blowout got a bad rep when the Keratin Treatment was introduced, the Miami native has a more positive opinion about the treatment. “I think Brazilian Blowouts are a miracle. Unlike Keratin Treatments that often dry the hair and make it flat, I find the Brazilian Blowout provides more shine and actually repairs the hair. I see the return of clients after the Blowout, and their hair is incredible.”

Reboh is even working on his own line of products with a similar treatment that he wants to call the Miami Blowout. He stresses that, no matter what treatment you’re having done, it’s very important that it’s done properly. So make sure your stylist has plenty of experience!

Given Reboh’s work styling celebrities, we couldn’t help but ask a couple of questions about hair in Hollywood. In our celebrity interview, he raved about Jennifer Lopez. Having done J. Lo’s hair from the beginning of her career, he believes her gorgeous locks come from both good hair care and amazing cuts. “Great hair is all about movement, which comes from a great haircut,” he reveals.

When asked who needs to change their hair, he didn’t rat on any celebrity specifically, but he did voice his excitement for the short hair trend coming back, using the cut that Beyonce recently rocked for the Grammy Awards as an example. He candidly admits that he’s tired of everyone having long waves. With long hair, you can turn on the curling iron and cover up a bad cut or damaged hair, but “short hair is where the talent is — which means you need to find a stylist who knows what they’re doing because short hair shows everything.”

Related Link: Celebrity Stylist Chaz Dean on Hair Care: “The Most Important Part is Feeling Sexy” 

Celebrity Hair Stylist Shares Beauty and Dating Advice

Most people don’t have the luxury of a professional stylist doing their hair everyday, but there are still little tricks that can help you look your best in between washes. Reboh encourages you to use dry shampoo to freshen hair, remove oils, and give your hair the movement of freshly-cleaned locks. Consider this dating advice before your next night out with your man: “The most important part of doing your hair is making it look sexy,” he shares.

Speaking of sexy, we asked this celebrity stylist for his thoughts on what men find sexiest when it comes to hair. “Men often like women to have a lot of hair, not just in length but in body,” he says. “Extensions are great for adding thickness to your hair, even if you don’t want added length.” With this thought in mind, Reboh created his own extension line that consists of hair from Russia that is healthy, shiny, and lightweight, allowing your man to feel your head without even noticing the pieces.

Sexy hair isn’t just about texture or thickness though; the hair style you choose plays a role as well. Although a woman can look fabulous with curly or straight hair, Reboh encourages women to make sure they’re curling their hair the proper way. “If the curls aren’t done right, they can make women look older,” he explains. “When you’re curling hair yourself, make sure you know what you’re doing to make those beautiful, open curls because that’s what looks sexy.” If you don’t know the correct approach to curling, consider going with a classic, straight style with a lot of body.

If you’re in a time crunch to get sexy hair for tonight’s hot date, the stylist says to consider an updo (of course, using that dry shampoo again). It doesn’t have to be over-the-top, just something that is “simple and pretty and will correlate nicely with a romantic dinner.”

For more hair tips and information on Reboh, check out his salon’s site