Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘Bachelor’ Sean Lowe Says He Won’t Invite Emily Maynard to His WeddingCupid's Pulse Article: ‘Bachelor’ Sean Lowe Says He Won’t Invite Emily Maynard to His Wedding

By Meghan Fitzgerald

Bachelor, Sean Lowe, and bride-to-be, Catherine Guidici announced their plans to say ‘I do’ very very soon! reports how Lowe will most likely not be inviting Emily Maynard to their dream wedding. Although he still likes and respects Maynard, he doesn’t think it is appropriate for her to be invited.  The happy couple stated that they will get married on TV, Hollywood Life reports. The two continue to plan their wedding as they move on with their lives!

What are some things to consider about inviting your exes to your wedding?

Cupid’s Advice:

Inviting your exes to your wedding is never, and I say never, an easy thing to do. What if you rekindle love? What if they try to ruin your dream day? What if your groom and your ex get into a fight? The questions are endless for brides considering inviting their exes to their weddings. Cupid has some advice on this:

1. Danger: Inviting your ex to your wedding will cause danger. However much you preach on their changed ways, or how civil you guys are; there will always be a slight bit of chaos. Seeing your ex at your wedding is not something you exactly want to do, you may think at the time it is a great idea however, at the wedding, it is not. Feelings can be brought back up with the sight of them, you could say something inappropriate. Just make sure you know inviting your ex has danger written all over it.

2. “Just friends”: In all honesty, after you have had sex with another person, you will never be ‘just friends’ again. It is proven so. Especially if this person was of a romantic value. This being said, you and your ex will never be ‘just friends.’ Stop thinking it is possible, and just realize that it is not! The sooner you realize you two can never be friends again, the sooner you’ll realize that you probably shouldn’t invited them to your wedding.

3. Showing off: Alright ladies and gents, did your ex drive you crazy, humiliate you, break your heart and step on it? Are you now happy and wish to show that son-of-a-bitch how better off you are without them? If you are answering yes to all of this, than you are relatively right for considering inviting your ex. You are going to get married, why not rub some salt in the wounds of your ex? Have fun!

Have you ever invited your exes to your wedding? Share your experience below.