Cupid's Pulse Article: The Bachelor 17 Predictions: Who’s the Best Fit for Sean?Cupid's Pulse Article: The Bachelor 17 Predictions: Who’s the Best Fit for Sean?

By Jared Sais

Last night’s The Bachelor: Sean Tells All special told us a lot about Sean Lowe’s connections with the final three women, but did it reveal who he would propose to on the upcoming finale? After Desiree was sent home, it was tough to know who has Sean’s heart. Based on his body language, here are my predictions.


It may come as a surprise, but I saw a micro-expression of hate when the bachelor spoke about Lindsay. He used words that indicated he didn’t want her, so I say Lindsay is out.

That means Sean’s final choice is between AshLee and Catherine.

Related Link: The Bachelor 17, Episode 6: Chemistry in Canada


I think AshLee would’ve been my number one, but maybe I’m just bias. I personally like her a lot. A problem with AshLee? Sean’s a Christian boy. AshLee may be sweet, but Catherine’s morals move her to my number one pick for Sean.


I think Sean’s into the total package of Catherine. Sexually, though, he likes AshLee more. The question is: Will Sean pick the girl who he feels the most chemistry with (AshLee) or the girl who may be a better overall fit (Catherine)? And I think the answer is Catherine.

Related Link: The Bachelor 17, Episode 5: Sean Lowe’s Mistakes & Top Picks

In my opinion, the ranking for Sean’s final picks are as follows:

#1 – Catherine

#2 – AshLee

#3 – Lindsay

We’ll all have to tune in next week to see who makes it to the finale!

Who do you think will receive Sean’s final rose – and an engagement ring ? Tell us in the comments below.

Jared Sais is co-author of the website The Non-Verbal Game. He is an expert in non-verbal communication, who specializes in body language, micro-expressions and lie deception as they relate to life and love.Â