Cupid's Pulse Article: Make Your Romance a Home RunCupid's Pulse Article: Make Your Romance a Home Run

By Diamon Hall

Baseball season is winding down, but there’s a lot couples can learn from the game to help keep their romance alive.  In the beginning of a relationship, hardly anybody complains about romance, since you’re still on Cloud 9.  And if you don’t know how to keep things flowing, it can eventually start to die down the longer you’re together.  Here are five tips to rejuvenate and enhance you and your honey’s relationship and keep it as romantic as possible:

1. Relive your first date: Go back to where you started.  Have dinner at the very spot you had your first date and relive that moment.  Talk about the memories and the feelings you had at that point.  This is always a sweet way to score a home run with your honey.

2. Be your relationship’s biggest fan: You can never go wrong with pouring out your heart to the one you love.  Your partner will fall for you all over again every single time if you just remind him or her how much they truly mean to you.  Join your significant other’s booster club and watch your relationship soar!

3. Announce it on the Jumbotron: Not only is it a good idea to let your partner know how you feel, but it’s also a plus if you let everyone else know.  People will have a brand new outlook on your relationship when you display your love to the world.  Plus, if the world knows about it, then it’s definitely true love.

4. 7th Inning Stretch – Renew your vows: Whether married or not, renewal of vows is a committment on both ends.  You don’t necessariy have to be married to do this.  It can simply consist of a few words, letting him or her know that you are theirs and they are yours and nothing should be able to come between your bond.

5. Show up to every game:There is just no easier way to turn up the romance in a relationship than through three simple words.  You guessed it: “I love you.”  Who doesn’t want to hear those words everyday from his or her significant other?  They are the “Grand Slam” of one-liners.

If you follow these tips, you and your lover can be sure to have one of the highest-scoring relationships ever.  What tips do you have to keep your romance alive?  Share your ideas below.