Cupid's Pulse Article: Summer Lovin’: 10 Ways to Heat Up Your RelationshipCupid's Pulse Article: Summer Lovin’: 10 Ways to Heat Up Your Relationship

By Diamon Hall

Relationships require just as much attention as a newborn baby.  While they start off sizzling with love and affection, they can easily fizzle out if they aren’t handled with care.  Since summer is almost here, the heat under your relationship’s fire should be kicked up a few notches!  Here are 10 tips to keep the blaze alight:

1. Reminisce: Go back to the very first moment you met each other and the feeling that came with it.  Remember the fire in your partner’s eyes when they were first laid on you?   Bring back that fiery moment time and time again.

2. Hold the phones: Turn off your BlackBerry.  Shut down the laptop.  Cut off all outside communication and focus on your significant other.

3. Surprise, surprise: Men,you can never go wrong with sending flowers to her job.  Ladies, light some candles and put on his favorite lingerie for when he returns home from a hard day at work.  Occasional, unexpected treats keeps the suspense and awe alive in any relationship – even long-term ones.

4. Communication is key: No partnership can sizzle without it.

5. Plan a getaway: A weekend trip by yourselves, especially if you have children, may be just what you need.  Alone time gives a couple the opportunity to tune the world out and bond.

6. Thank your partner: Let your better half know how much you appreciate him or her.  Whether your mate has done something for you recently or not, just thank him or her for being a part of your life.

7. Spoil your companion: Without spending too much money, pamperyour lover in the comfort of your own home.  Massage his or her back.  Bring out the strawberries and whipped cream and feed it to your guy or gal.  Have fun showering your partner with some extra love and affection – who knows, you might get some extra lovin’ in return!

8. Compliment your helpmate: A praisecan go a long way.  Tell your loved one how hot he or she looks today.  If your significant other changes hairstyles, make it known that you’ve noticed it.  A simple positive may be just what your partner needs to boost his or her confidence.

9. Little things: Pack a lunch for your beau or gal the night before work with a love note attached.  Wash the car and cross that extra thing off his or her to-do list.  Prepare a hotbath to soak in after a long day.  Sometimes it’s the little things that can make a big difference.

10. Three simple words: Last, but certainly not least, let the three words “I love you” roll off your tongue every single day.  These words are the fuel that keeps every relationship afire.

If you follow these 10 tips for summer lovin’, your relationship should be one of the hottest!